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Craft: DIY Headbands

Craft: DIY Headbands

Make Your Own Easter Headbands

It's fun to get dressed up for an occasion and Easter is no exception.  To complete a special occasion Easter outfit, why not try this creative craft idea from popular instagrammer Ann-Marie @myhongkongabc as worn by our model Winnie in our latest Retykle photoshoot.

If you have an Easter Parade at school or for your community, or just feel like getting crafty to celebrate the season, these Easter bunny crowns are lots of fun to make.  

There are a bit more fiddly than Ann-Marie's craft ideas found on @myhongkongabc so older kids can definitely participate, while younger children may need a simplified version to get involved.  Here are the steps;


- Old egg cartons

- Coloured felt (I chose pastels)

- Coloured card (green and orange)

- Pom-poms

- Pipe cleaners

- And for the base of the crown either an old alice band that your kids don’t mind re-purposing OR some ribbon to attach to some card to tie a crown.

You can use these materials to make whatever you like to decorate your crown. I chose to make daffodils and other little flowers; some carrots; and bunny ears. You could cut out chicks and eggs, whatever says Easter to you or your kids!


Old egg cartons are perfect for making daffofils, and a great way to make use of something that would have gone to waste. 

You can cut the outer petals of the daffodils from the cup-like sections where the eggs sit, and make the trumpet part from the middle parts between the eggs. Nail scissors are perfect for this as the curved blades make cutting round flower shapes easy.

It might be fun for little ones to paint the flowers before you assemble them. The egg-box holds the colours really nicely. 

Assemble your daffodil by gluing the flower trumpet inside the flower petals. If you want to be extra fancy you can try adding pipe-cleaners inside to make little stamens.

Flowers and Leaves

I used pink, yellow, white and blue felt to cut flower shapes of different sizes. Pom-poms look cute at the centres. And I used green felt and card to cut leaf shapes. If you have a little one helping you could cut out a template flower or leaf for them to trace around.


These turned out so cute! You could decorate your whole crown with them if your kids are not into flowers.

See visual steps below.

Simply cut a triangle from orange card, glue one of the outside edges, roll up and stick to the other outside edge. Then twist together some small pieces of a green pipe-cleaner, and stick inside the cone to make the carrot top.

Bunny Ears

Fold a long pipe-cleaner in half and then holding it at both ends push your hands together gently to make an oval or ear shape. Attach them directly to the base of your crown. 

If you are using an old alice band position the ears centrally on it and twist the ends around. 

If you are making a traditional crown-shape cut a strip of card with snippets at the top to look like grass and glue your bunny ears to the reverse side.

Putting it all together

Now you have everything prepared you can start decorating! More is definitely more! Use a glue gun to attach everything securely, layering on flowers and leaves and pom-poms and carrots covering the whole of the base. 

For the headband style the last step is to add ribbon along the back of the decorated band with enough length at each end to tie a generous bow on your childs’ head. It looks just as pretty from the back as the front!

If you have young children and enjoy doing crafts and learning activities with them at home then take a look at my instagram @myhongkongabc It’s full of simple everyday play ideas that you and your littles may find fun.

Flora wearing the alice band style Easter crown

Flora wearing the ribbon headband style Easter crown


Meet Ann-Marie

Ann-Marie lives in Hong Kong with her husband and two gorgeous tykes.  Her inspirational instagram account @myhongkongabc is full of wonderful ideas like these for creative play with your tykes in Hong Kong.

Follow My Hong Kong ABC on Instagram.

Often a new outfit is part of the fun of celebrating special events like an Easter party.  Retykle is changing the way you shop for special occasion and everyday, making good-as-new second-hand items accessible with their easy to use online store retykle.com, saving you money and time.  Retykle-ing also keeps beautiful clothing in use long after it is outgrown saving closet space and money.

As special occasion outfits are often worn once, consider what you could buy second-hand, or buy a quality item that can be resold or shared after the party.  At Retykle you can easily buy second-hand clothing, or brand-new-with-tags online. If your child doesn't have an occasion to wear the outfit again, you can pass it on and make some money back by consigning it back to Retykle.

上一篇文章 Meet the Founders: Esther Röling and Sole Riestra, Adventure Clean Up Challenge




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