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Secondhand Uniforms

Retykle has launched a uniform resale program that enables parents to buy secondhand uniforms with ease and pass on their children’s outgrown uniforms effortlessly, thereby keeping more school uniforms in circulation and out of landfills.



   Shop Kellett School Uniforms   Shop Wycombe Abbey School Unifroms
   Shop ECF Saint Too Canaan School Uniform   Shop Canadian International School Uniform 
Shop general uniform items.

Uniform Resale Program

Can't find your school's uniforms?  Nominate your school here!
Partner with Retykle for a better solution to handle outgrown uniforms:

*Secondhand uniforms are sent to RETYKLE through the partnering school. We do not accept uniforms from sellers.

Our Impact

In 2024, we helped to save:
2,000 pre-loved uniforms out of landfills
≈ 3,500kg of CO2e emissions

What our Partner Schools Say:

"We have been delighted with our partnership with Retykle which enables our families to purchase pre-loved Kellett uniforms with profit being returned to our school’s chosen charities. Good for our parents, good for the environment and good for the charities we support. Thank you Retykle." 
- Kellett School, Hong Kong


"Working with Retykle and TASS over the last two years has been extremely beneficial to Kellett and our pre loved uniform program. It has helped us to streamline and formalise the process and we were given a donation box for each school campus to enable us to gather items easily. Parents have found the online platform easy to navigate and many were already Retykle users. We currently rely on the students to get uniform orders home but home delivery is also an option. Keeping our uniform out of landfill is one small but vital part of our Sustainably Kellett focus and we hope to continue our efforts for many years to come."
- Kellett School, Hong Kong

"We are incredibly grateful for the exceptional services provided by Retykle in facilitating our second-hand uniform project. Their professionalism and commitment to sustainability have made this partnership a truly rewarding experience. From the initial stages to the final execution, Retykle has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to quality and efficiency. Their expertise has not only streamlined our processes but has also significantly contributed to our sustainability goals.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Retykle and furthering our shared mission of promoting eco-friendly practices in our community. Thank you for being such a valuable working partner!"
- Wycombe Abbey School, Hong Kong


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