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Healthy, Low-Waste Tyke-Approved Snacks

Healthy, Low-Waste Tyke-Approved Snacks

Healthy, Low-waste tyke -approved snacks


Whether it's after school or on the weekends, we're always on the lookout for some easy, healthy, and low-waste snacks for tykes and parents alike.

Say goodbye to pre-packaged snacks and say hello to healthy, low waste, and tasty snacks that are perfect for any day of the week! We are excited to have Retykle Ambassador, Grace Lo, share with us 3 of her tykes favourites! 

These snacks are also great if you only have a few minutes to spare or can be made ahead of time and taken on the go in a Stasher or reusable bag!

Rest assured these are tyke tried, tested, and approved! 

Owl sandwich

Design by retykle


  • Circle cookie cutter or mug
  • 2x slices of whole wheat bread
  • Peanut butter or nut-free substitute 
  • 1x banana 
  • 2x blueberries 
  • 1x strawberry


  • Cut a 2 circles in the slices of bread with cookie cutter or cup.
  • Spread peanut butter between the two slices of bread.
  • Slice the banana. 
  • Put blueberries for the eyes. 
  • Cut strawberry in slices for the wings and nose. 
  • Put it into your medium Stasher bag for a fun and delicious snack on the go!

Healthy trail Mix

Design by retykle


Put a little of everything in your small Stasher or reusable bag, shake it up, and it’s ready to eat!


For this, you can put anything healthy that your kids enjoy eating!


  • Almonds 
  • Pecans 
  • Mini pretzels 
  • Dried cranberries
  • Sunflower seeds 
  • Freeze dried strawberries 
  • Mini chocolate chips

rainbow fruit salad

Design by retykle

Again, you can put any fruits that your tykes enjoy - also it's best to include fruits that are in season!



  • Grapes
  • Mandarin oranges 
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries


  • Wash all the fruit before slicing and placing them into your reusable bag.
  • Peel the mandarin oranges. Throw rinds into compost bin.
  • Leave whole or slice the tops off the strawberries. Throw tops into compost bin.
  • Arrange them in your medium Stasher bag for another fun and delicious snack on the go!

An alternative drink option, if your tykes don't have their reusable water bottle handy, is to include an Elix water box which is locally and sustainably sourced and package in a 100% recyclable paper carton.

上一篇文章 Meet the Founders: Esther Röling and Sole Riestra, Adventure Clean Up Challenge




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