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Closet Feature: Sarah Kim

With a resume that reads like a world traveler's dream, Sarah (@jetsettingoddess) embodies a spirit of adventure that knows no bounds. As a seasoned Yogalates instructor, accomplished actress, and charismatic TV presenter, Sarah's life is a whirlwind of experiences that have taken her to the far corners of the globe.

In this blog piece, we delve into Sarah's parenting journey and discover how it has shaped her approach to curating her tykes' wardrobes, and find out why she's an avid supporter of the circular fashion movement.



1) Tell us about your family? How long have you lived in Hong Kong?

The Kim-Naghdy family is always on the go, pushing each other’s limits and boundaries while ensuring we are still each other’s biggest fans. There’s never a dull moment in our lives, even when we try and simplify our lives there’s always something that pops up. It’s kinda like our home, as much as I dream about a curated beautifully perfected home, the minute you walk in, there’s a bit of chaos everywhere, its a home being lived in, and our lives are just that; living our best and busiest lives wherever we go.

We have been in Hong Kong since 2015, with the exception of us departing right before the 5th wave of the pandemic for about 18 months, we are now finally back and settling in.



2) What are your favourite things to do together as a family?

Travel. Whether it’s by bus, trains, cars or planes, it is the only time we are truly all together with no distractions, catching up on our lives, making memories whilst tackling a new challenge together. Our last family trip was to Uzbekistan (!). We haven’t had a resort holiday in quite a while!



3) It's clear from your Instagram that your children are quite active in sports. As a parent, how do you support your children when they face challenges or setbacks in their sports activities?

It’s about constant encouragement through the ups and downs, celebrating the wins together, and also allowing the losses to help prepare them for whatever their next challenge may be.

I’ve always believed I could either focus on the things they weren’t good at and spend countless hours trying to get them to be good at it, or allow the freedom of choice, for themselves to choose in whichever direction they wanted to go towards.

Within those boundaries they have found their own passions; my daughter Farah, was born to perform, whether it be on a stage, in front of a camera or on ice, performance has always been her fuel in life. My son Kian, has such a whimsical approach to life, but he’s found his calling (s) Basketball, Cricket and Chess. He also loves football (Soccer), and fishing.


4) Can you share a bit about your parenting journey and how it has influenced your approach to shopping for your tykes' clothing? 

I’ve always told my children the way I parent is unconventional and my love for them will always be unconditional. I’m not gonna lie, I found myself just winging parenting as I became a mom rather quite early in my life, and despite all the parenting books I read during pregnancy, and what I thought I was best preparing for, all went out the window when Farah decided she wanted to come into this world 2.5 weeks earlier than planned.

I knew then that no matter how many books, or parental advice you hear from others, you somehow must navigate parenthood the best way you feel fits for each child. Parenting is like gambling, and I don’t even gamble, but at the end of the day I figure if my kids are happy going to bed and waking up in the morning to face the world with their best foot forward, I must be doing something right.

I’m also a major shopaholic, so when I first fell pregnant, and living in the UAE, all I ever did was shop. I would buy all the different types of breast pumps, strollers, baby gear, toys not to mention all the cute little outfits, then realized how quickly babies grow, as well as the fact that your so exhausted half the time you barely have the time and energy to change your baby into all these outfits that they literally outgrow with a blink of an eye.

I was addicted to the idea of a perfect baby who would happily lie still as I would change them for every occasion ready for that perfect photo which never came as babies come in all different shapes and sizes, and never want to lay on their backs longer than they have to and changing their diapers was just long enough. 


5) Why do you Retykle? 

I started to Retykle when we first moved to Hong Kong, as the space in HK is much smaller than the space we had in Abu Dhabi. What started off as a solution to creating more space, became more of a lifestyle choice. I wanted to contribute towards sustainability in my own way, and help reduce waste in fashion. 



6) Are there any specific brands that you're particularly drawn to when shopping for your tykes?

I love Baby Dior, Gucci kids, Fendi kids, Dolce Gabbana, Ivvia (Lululemon’s kids line which unfortunately is now discontinued), Bonpoint, Moncler, and Jacadi

Click here to shop Sarah's incredible closet! 



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