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Wycombe Abbey School Secondhand Uniforms

Retykle has teamed up with Wycombe Abbey School to collaborate on a uniform resale program that enables parents to access secondhand uniforms with ease and pass on their outgrown school uniforms effortlessly to keep more school uniforms in circulation and out of landfills. Find out more here.

We only accept school uniforms directly from the school. If you are interested in donating your secondhand uniforms, please drop off at your school's uniform collection box.

After purchasing online, students can collect secondhand uniforms at the school reception (3:30-5:00pm during school hours). Shipping uniforms to home address is not available.

Delivery confirmation sent within 3-5 business days in the new academic year. Other Retykle items, if any, will be shipped separately to your home address.
  •  Pants 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    Pants 5T-13Y

  •  Shorts 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    Shorts 5T-13Y

  •  Long Sleeve Shirt 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    Long Sleeve Shirt 5T-13Y

  •  PE Shorts 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    PE Shorts 5T-13Y

  •  PE Shirt 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    PE Shirt 5T-13Y

  •  Skirt 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    Skirt 5T-13Y

  •  Short Sleeve Shirt 5T-13Y

    Wycombe Abbey School

    Short Sleeve Shirt 5T-13Y


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