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Eco Feature: Making the switch to Cloth Diapers with Petit Tippi

Eco Feature: Making the switch to Cloth Diapers with Petit Tippi


Making the switch to 

Cloth Diapers with Petit Tippi 


Ahead of a cloth diapering workshop we are hosting at Retykle with Petit Tippi, we caught up with Founder Victoria Chuard on why it is an important method for reducing our environmental footprint. Petit Tippi is Hong Kong's leading platform for top quality, design focused natural, organic and eco-friendly products. 

What inspired you to start Petit Tippi? 

I started Petit Tippi when I was expecting my first child in Hong Kong. I couldn't find lots of the products and brands that I wanted for my own baby. I was very interested in cloth diapering, breastfeeding, baby led weaning but I just couldn't find the products or services that would support me in these choices which were considered alternative. I wanted Petit Tippi to become a space for parents in Hong Kong where they could find the essential products they needed when making similar decisions to me.

Can you tell us a bit about how you go about selecting the eco-friendly brands that you carry and the criteria that you apply?

All the brands that we carry in one way or another gives parents who want to lead a more conscious, sustainable and natural lifestyle the choice and support to do that. We also lean towards brands who have sustainable business practices, give back to their local or global communities. It’s also important that they are fair trade as I believe that all these things shape the world that our children will inherit from us.


"A child can go through as many as 7000 diapers and those diapers take 500 years, if ever, to decompose"


"We look for brands that are made with better, safer materials and ones that help babies and parents lessen their environmental footprint."

Why is cloth diapering such an important part of reducing our environmental footprint?

Depending on what statistics you read, a single child can go through as many as 7000 diapers and those diapers take 500 years, if ever, to decompose. Biodegradable disposables are a good alternative, and I am a believer that there is a time and place for all kinds of diapers, but the way waste is treated and disposed of in most places in the world, it either doesn't get the right conditions to decompose or creates harmful gases in the process. So, reusable diapers, even with the extra washing, is still the most environmentally friendly option. Plus, it's also much cuter on the bum!

How do you persuade someone to make the switch from disposable to cloth or just simply start with cloth?

When I decided I wanted to try cloth diapers for my first child, my primary concern was actually the chemicals in disposable diapers that prevents them from leaking. Disposable diapers have only been around for one generation and no one knows the long term effects yet. When my son was born, we used cloth diapers part-time and even then I was horrified with the amount of trash we were producing with just disposable diapers, not to mention wipes and breast milk bags and all the rest. Cloth diapers are also a big up-front cost, but it pales in comparison to how much you will spend over the 3 years, on average, that your child will be in disposables (the savings are even greater if you have multiple children!). People ask me if they are hot because they look thick, but the truth is they're made of breathable materials so they're going to be a lot cooler and better for the skin than wearing plastic around the bum. The final point that shouldn't be overlooked is that cloth diapers are super cute, and great for photos!

What's the ick factor and how can it be avoided?

Well-laundered diapers kept in properly aerated rooms don't smell. We have a great deep clean solution called Mighty Bubbles from GroVia, which we use on a 4-6 week basis to keep diapers nice and fresh, and to maximise absorbency over its lifetime. As for the poop, once you've become a parent you know that poop is an inevitable part of your life - it will get on your hands, on their clothing, on the floor...everywhere! It's really much easier and not as big of a deal once you get started. 

Finally, what advice do you have for women and mothers who are looking to launch their own business’?

If I had to give one piece of advice, it would be to choose something that you're truly passionate about and gives you a sense of fulfilment because the "money, fame and glory" doesn't come easily or quickly and isn't going to be what keeps you going through all the ups and downs of your journey. The parents that tell me that I've helped them cloth diaper successfully, or saved them from cracked nipples or engorgement, or reduced their pumping time at work, or that their kid is eating like a champ on their own using some of our products - that's what really makes my day. I've been there recently myself (twice!), so I can relate to it all.  


Date & Time: 28 September, 10:00 - 11:00 am

Location: The Retykle Studio, 8/F, Sing Teck Building, 44 Wong Chuk Hang Road.

Thinking about using cloth diapers or just need some advice? Join us for an educational workshop with Petit Tippi where Vicki will go through the various cloth diapering systems to help you choose the right system for your family, and answer any questions you may have about how to get started, or troubleshoot any issues if you’re already using cloth diapers.

RSVP HERE - https://retykle.com/pages/cloth-diaper-workshop

上一篇文章 In the Know: Baby Steps To Zero Waste




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