Meet the Founder: Bezanne Lau of Oaks Of Acorn

Meet the Founder: Bezanne Lau of Oaks Of Acorn

Oaks Of Acorn


I am Bezanne Lau, currently living in Hong Kong. Oaks of Acorn debuted in New York City 2014, it is also where I studied fashion and where the brand is heavily influenced.

I have always wanted to start a fashion brand; I worked in retail and different fashion houses in NYC for 2 years.  After that I decided to come back to Hong Kong because I miss my family a lot. While I was planning my leave, I began to pursue my dreams and gathered my previous partners together. Although they are no longer with the brand, we are all passionate about art and design, we think it is wonderful to expose kids to art and culture at an early age and we have a vision to make a difference in the kids fashion world!

Oaks Of Acorn is not a typical kids clothing brand. We are fun, bold and creative, also keeping the whimsicality of children at the same time.  We combine bold colors with interesting silhouettes and have our quirky in-house designed prints and graphics printed on comfortable cottons and linens. 

Every season we strive for a great balance between trend and practicality; parents who want their kids to stand out tastefully are usually big fans of our brand and oftentimes request for grown-up versions of the clothes.

Oaks Of Acorn means "Mother of Children".  I think we are basically little copycats of our parents. I have always looked up to mine and they have been my inspirational figures growing up. I am also looking forward to becoming one to my future little ones.

At Oaks Of Acorn we believe there is a strong mutual influence between the kids and their parents. We want to create a brand that both sides get a kick out of wearing our designs. We are hoping to launch our adult line in the nearest future, so stay tuned!

When working with factories, we are shaken by the amount of wastage and unused brand new fabrics piling up in their storages. 

Fashion could be excessive and extravagant, big brands oftentimes reject fabrics or trims with small defects and fast fashion labels simply produce mindlessly and switch to something else immediately when a trend ends; therefore we want to be environmentally responsible by making good use of the fabrics and materials remained. 

People always have the wrong impression of factory stock fabrics are unfashionable or in bad quality, but the truth is there are a lot of great finds in perfect condition and we are passionate about bringing new life to these materials, and become a sustainable and ethical kids fashion brand.

I do design all the prints myself; I often take inspirations from my childhood memories. For instance the Ping-Pong collection, growing up in Hong Kong, Ping-Pong has always been my game during break time at school, which I have translated into a representational playful print.  Same with toys I had or places that I have been when I was a kid. 

The prints and graphics I created are like a collection of my childhood album, and I hope kids will continue to create their own wonderful memories when wearing my designs. #WhereTheFunContinues

Designing unisex styles and prints is an important philosophy for Oaks Of Acorn; we try not to be abided by gender bias when creating designs. We believe we shouldn’t have too many labels and limit kids’ imagination when it comes to style and clothing. However, the current fashion world still consists a lot of gender bias such as boys shouldn’t wear pink or florals are for girls only. We will continue creating more gender-neutral clothing in hoping to soften the line between the two, because we should be able to express our aesthetics and style freely.


Surprisingly it has not been easy for us to enter the local market, even though we are based in Hong Kong. New York is still by far our most successful city. However, together with Retykle, we have gained more recognition from the Hong Kong parents in the past few months. It has been amazing working with Retykle to promote the brand locally, and we are very proud to see Hong Kiddos loving and having fun wearing Oaks Of Acorn!

Oaks Of Acorn
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