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Shop: Urban Earth Mama x Retykle

Shop: Urban Earth Mama x Retykle


Urban Earth Mama x Retykle 


Shop the Edit: Urban Earth Mama x Retykle

Karen Holt, founder of Urban Earth Mama is a Yogi, Photographer and most importantly, mother to her daughter, India. Karen shares stories of life in Hong Kong, raising children and the journey of mindful parenting in hopes of supporting other like-minded parents on their journey through parenthood. Through her photography lens, she captures her life with India, see here. Karen believes in taking it slow, being present and making conscious decisions that have a positive impact on children’s lives and the world they live in. She works passionately with eco-friendly brands paving the way for a better future. As sustainability is right at the heart of Urban Earth Mama.

“As a parent in Hong Kong, it’s easy to be wasteful, act habitually and feel as though you are constantly busy”.

上一篇文章 In the Know: Baby Steps To Zero Waste




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