Upcycled Cardboard Heart Tassel Necklaces — Retykle 跳到內容
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Upcycled Cardboard Heart Tassel Necklaces

Upcycled Cardboard Heart Tassel Necklaces

Upcycled Cardboard Heart Tassel Necklaces

Craft sourced from ART CAMP Studio

To celebrate the love-filled day, make some sweet heart necklaces with your little valentines. This is a fun upcycled art project that your tykes will adore!


  • Upcycled cardboards from cereal boxes, delivery boxes
  • Chalk/paint markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Yarn for necklace + tassels



#1 Paint your cardboard in sunset colours (pinks, reds, peaches, violet).

#2 Trace a heart shape onto your cardboard in pencil.

#3 Cut out your heart shape with scissors or a box cutter

#4 Decorate your hearts with chalk or paint markers (dots, dashes, flowers).

#5 Create your tassel (see below for a step by step)

#6 Attach the tassel and necklace to your heart pendant with hot glue or by hole punching your cardboard and knotting your yarn necklace through the hole.

    How to make a tassel

    1. Gather your yarn or embroidery thread.

    2. Cut a small rectangular piece of cardboard (the longer your cardboard, the longer your tassel).

    3. Cut a piece of your thread and tape it to the top of the cardboard.

    4. Start wrapping your string around your cardboard about 20 times.

    5. When you reach your final wrap, cut your thread and tie the ends together.

    6. Cut the wrapped string along the bottom and take it off the cardboard.

    7. Cut an 8 inch piece of string to wrap around the top of the tassel (creating a small bell shape). Wrap this around about 6 times, finishing it off with a double knot.

    8. Trim the bottom of your fringe.

    上一篇文章 Recycle in the 852: Where, Why, How
    下一篇文章 Going Green is the New Red




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