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5 Steps To Organising Your Tyke's Wardrobe

5 Steps To Organising Your Tyke's Wardrobe

5 steps to organising your tyke's wardrobe

Keeping your tykes wardrobe organised can be tough!  When you combine the many beautiful gifts from friends and family, plus the need to constantly rotate to bigger sizes, it can be difficult to keep track of everything and optimise use before it’s too late. As parents ourselves, we know that it is all too easy to lose sight of our favourite items, only to find them when our tyke has outgrown them.

Here is our guide to a clean and organised wardrobe for your tyke, inspired by the great Marie Kondo (the Japanese tidying expert and author of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.)  We hope that these tips help you to keep track of your favourite clothes and accessories so your tykes can get the best wear out of their clothing before they grow out of it.

Step 1 - Make Time

Set aside the right amount of time to complete your wardrobe organisation, as a half finished job will create more chaos then there was in the first place.  Trust us, the time you will claim back each morning will make the time spent here worth it! We would budget 2+ hours to get organised.

Step 2 - See What You Have

Take everything out of the wardrobe, drawers and wherever your little one’s clothes and accessories are hiding.  It is important to see what they have and create some order out of it before putting it back in the drawers and cupboards.

Step 3 - Categorise

Separate anything that is still wearable (right size for your child or larger, and in good condition), and sort into categories.  Make a pile for jackets, pants, bodysuits etc… Remove anything that they have grown out of and keep these to one side. We will deal with these later!

Step 4 - Closet Preparation

Plan your space before you put everything away.  Think about the items you will need to hang (special and bulky items) and prepare some hangers in the wardrobe.  Place some drawer separators in your drawers and plan what items should go in each section, based on how often you use them and how many of each item you have.

Source: Style Me Pretty, image by Elza Photographie

Step 5 - Putting It All Away

Hang special and bulky items (dresses, coats, jackets, shirts) to keep them in their best condition and maximise space.  Hang them within their categories with everyday items closer to the front and special occasion tucked behind, so the clothes that get the most regular use and the easiest to find.

Woven items (ie casual tops, leggings, bodysuits) are well suited to be stored in drawers. Marie Kondo recommends rolling woven items instead of folding so that more items are visible at a glance.  Clothing is likely to stay unworn in the drawer if you can’t see it which is not only an inefficient use of space, but they might also get outgrown before they are worn.  Roll the items in their categories so you know what is in each roll.

Source: The Organised Housewife via Pinterest

Step 5 - Sell, Donate, Re-use

Remember the pile of clothes and accessories that your tyke no longer needs?  At Retykle, we encourage you to find a new home for these items to avoid sending them to the growing landfill sites in Hong Kong or taking up precious closet space.  

Anything that is new, good-as-new or gently worn can be Retykled. Simply check our brand list HERE and put these items into a bag with your name, phone number and email for a free pick up or simply drop it off at your convenience during opening hours HERE.  Click HERE to book a home pick up. 

All saleable items will be photographed and uploaded to the site, and once sold you can opt to receive 50% back in cash or 55% in tyke points to put towards clothing in the next size. Anything that doesn’t meet our brand or condition requirements will be donated on your behalf to local charities (or pay a small insurance fee to have the items returned to you!). 

The items your family loved will find another loving home and create new memories along their journey. You’ll feel organised and sensible for making an effortless decision which positively impacts your children, your wallet, the community and the environment.

Source: Pretty Fluffy for I Heart Organising via Pinterest

Consider re-using stained or damaged cotton clothing as rags for the house.  Babies clothing is especially soft, making them perfect for dusting and polishing.  Simply cut the clothing into squares and keep them in the laundry cupboard.

Happy Organising!

上一篇文章 In the Know: Baby Steps To Zero Waste




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