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In the Know: 10 Things to Do to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day That Create Lasting Habits

In the Know: 10 Things to Do to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day That Create Lasting Habits


10 Things to Do to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day That Create Lasting Habits


With Earth Day approaching on April 22, we realize that the world needs us now more than ever. There are many things we can do daily to protect and help restore our planet.

As children grow, they are learning and are encouraged to have empathy, compassion, and kindness for those around them. Why not teach them to treat the planet that way? Even when living in big cities, we can find a little bit of nature to be with and care for. 

We’ve put together ten things you and your family can do to celebrate Earth Day every day that help create lasting habits.

Do an outdoor activity like camping, going on a hike or picnic, or taking a walk.

Weather and safety permitting, these activities help us to have a closer relationship with nature and appreciate its beauty.

 Go on a litter scavenger hunt.

This can be a lot of fun because they’ll see the impact of their work immediately and notice it each time they return to that place, which will give them a sense of accomplishment, pride, and stewardship. A great family adventure starts here because every piece of trash counts!

Recycle cardboard packaging to make a craft.

This will put into perspective how much waste we really do have and can help kids think about this recyclable waste as more than something to simply discard. We have a great piece on our blog from My Hong Kong ABC about recycled crafts for kids here. Also, Recycle and Play has some great ideas to find inspiration for crafts and activities.

Be conscious of the natural resources used.

Taking shorter showers, washing clothes only when necessary, and turning off lights when you leave a room all help to conserve energy and are great ways to discuss the importance of only using these precious resources when needed.

Start a home compost.

Food waste is the biggest source of waste in many homes around the world. By composting we teach our kids about the cycle of organisms and that everything and everyone has an important job in keeping the world clean and tidy.

Repurpose glass jars.

Recycling is good but reusing is better. Get in the habit of collecting glass jars and glassware, which are great alternatives to buying Tupperware for storing food and beverages. This can also be a great challenge for kids to get creative with the ways they can reuse the items they have around them.

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

- American Indian Proverb

Plan a meal that uses seasonal and locally produced, healthy and organic foods.

Visit and purchase some ingredients from a local farm so that they can create a connection with the food that they are eating and where it comes from.

Eat vegetarian at least once a week.

In many parts of the world, water is a scare resource. Helping them to remember that as well as having them try some of the healthier and more eco-friendly foods out there is a great start! Did you know that it takes 2,000 litres of water to produce a burger patty?

Gather and recycle used batteries.

Remove any depleted batteries and bring them to your local battery recycling centre to make sure that they are recycled properly. This will be a great exercise to get kids into the habit of making sure they are recycling waste correctly and if they are not sure to ask for help.

Make a green family pact.

Earth Day is the perfect day to create a green family pact. This can start a discussion about the ways that your family can protect the environment and how to keep each other accountable.

Sensory Play Kit

“It’s not about striving for perfection, it’s about creating habits that last a lifetime. These [things]...are the building blocks to a life with less waste, an earth that is green and an ocean that’s blue. Imagine what we could accomplish if we all just worked together.” 

Rachel & Scott Johnson, @plantedinthewoods

What are some ways your family celebrate Earth Day? Let us know in the comments below. Happy Earth Day, every day!

上一篇文章 In the Know: Baby Steps To Zero Waste




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