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On the Retykle Radar: Ambassador's at Home Lifesavers for Keeping Kids Entertained

On the Retykle Radar: Ambassador's at Home Lifesavers for Keeping Kids Entertained


Ambassador's At Home Lifesavers for Keeping Kids Entertained


Having routines disrupted during this time has been hard not only for children but also for parents. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social disconnection. Seizing the opportunities that present themselves to get active, get creative, and do something! 

There are so many links to free educational websites, classroom materials downloads, YouTube channels that offer free classes for kids, free online science and reading courses, virtual field trips and school activities, and more out there! We've put together some of the best activities below that our Retykle Ambassadors and team have done that are tried and true.


This is a great time to really help your children dig in and spend hours doing or learning something that they love or are passionate about.

  • Zoos, aquariums, and animal reserves from around the world are offering amazing videos, activities, and games just for kids - WildEarth Live Safari DriveThe San Diego Zoo, The Cincinnati ZooThe National Aquarium, and The Cornell Bird Lab.
  • Play at Home Mummy - Fun early learning activities from a momma who is EC and Primary trained. You can find her on Facebook or Instagram.
  • Scholastic Learn at Home - Day-by-day projects to keep kids pre-k to secondary school reading, thinking, and growing.
  • "Virtual rides” at Disneyland parks from around the world - Go on a personal adventure through the Happiest Places on Earth!
  • Get moving indoors with P.E. videos from The Body Coach and Sworkit designed for kids in primary and secondary school. For your little ones, get them active with Go Noodle and Busy Toddler.
  • Insight Timer and Headspace - Kids can meditate, too! Explore their free collection of meditations for children and teens. Designed for easing nerves, building self-confidence, and having a restful night’s sleep.
  • Recycle and Play - Find inspiration from the sharing of the best recycled crafts and activities for kids!
  • Audible - Kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.
  • Tutoring on using Go Peer - Vetted college students who attend top-tier universities are paired with students between the ages of 5–18 for 1-to-1 tutoring lessons.
  • Get Epic - Instantly access 35,000 of the best books, learning videos, quizzes & more!
  • Learn about various subjects while having fun through interactive games and puzzles from Grib Club.


Community looks a little different right now but your family can still enjoy the things you did before in the comfort of your home. We have to remember that different doesn’t mean sacrificing having fun together! 

  • Cook or Bake - find a favourite or new recipe and make it together! Jamie Oliver cooking with his kids is great inspiration or do a cook-a-long activity from Radish.
  • Cosmic Yoga for Kids - This is a fantastic way for parents and kids to get some exercise and playtime together.
  • Do-at-Home Science Projects - These science activities will entertain your kiddos while you are at home.
  • Travel around the world together to the Great Wall of China, The Louvre in Paris, or even the National Parks in the US all from the comfort of your couch!
  • Museums from around the world are opening their virtual doors - The Getty in Los Angeles, The Van Gough Museum Amsterdam, among others that you can explore via Google Arts & Culture.
  • Fill a clear plastic bottle with dry grains (rice/beans/lentils) for a shake bottle. Try different sizes and mix of grains for different volumes/sounds. Make sure the lid is well sealed so they cannot open it and that they are under adult supervision while playing with any DIY toys.
  • Come up with different jumbo LEGOs configurations.
  • Duolingo - Learn or brush up on one of 23 languages they offer courses in together!
Sensory Play Kit

We received an amazing sensory play kit from @specialdeliveryforkidz which was started by a behavioural therapist and early years teacher, Charming Pau. The kits are fab and filled with all these "teacher" resources and guides to how to do simple sensory play with your kids that isn't necessarily "messy play."

Ziggy Makant, @zig.fitmama


Kids aren't the only ones to have their routines and daily schedules disrupted. Parents also need activities that help them unwind and spend time together doing things they enjoy. 

What are some things that have worked for you and your family? Let us know in the comment sections below. Take care and stay safe.

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