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10% off your first order using the code NEWRETYKLER ✨

Secondhand Uniforms

Retykle has teamed up with The Alliance for Sustainable Schools (TASS) to collaborate on a uniform resale program that enables parents to access secondhand uniforms with ease and pass on their outgrown school uniforms effortlessly to keep more school uniforms in circulation and out of landfills. We have partnered with Kellett School, Canadian International School, ECF Saint Too Canaan College & Wycombe Abbey School. 

Secondhand Uniform Collections

Shop Kellett School Uniforms   Shop Wycombe Abbey School Unifroms
Shop ECF Saint Too Canaan School Uniform   Shop Canadian International School Uniform
 Shop general uniform items.


"We have been delighted with our partnership with Retykle which enables our families to purchase pre-loved Kellett uniforms with profit being returned to our school’s chosen charities. Good for our parents, good for the environment and good for the charities we support. Thank you Retykle." - Kellett School


Uniform Resale Program

Interested in partnering with RETYKLE & TASS for a better solution to handle outgrown uniforms?
*Secondhand uniforms are sent to RETYKLE through the partnering school. We do not accept uniforms from sellers.

Want your school to also carry school uniform? Fill out the form below and let us know! 

    Log in and start Retykling
