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Measure Your Impact: Carbon Savings Calculator on RETYKLE.COM

Measure Your Impact: Carbon Savings Calculator on RETYKLE.COM

Measure Your Impact: Carbon Savings Calculator on RETYKLE.COM

As the urgency of the climate crisis remains upon us, Retykle is paving the way for a more sustainable parenting journey.

We are so excited to introduce a site-wide feature on RETYKLE.COM & RETYKLE.SG - Carbon Savings Calculator which visualizes the environmental significance of your purchasing decision. We aim to help customers understand how much carbon footprint they can save by purchasing preloved kids items versus purchasing new. We hope to empower the Retykle community with their impact data and foster its commitment to trading secondhand.


In order to calculate the carbon emissions saved for each piece of secondhand clothing, we have created an impact measurement matrix which takes into account the product category, size, material composition and weight of each garment as well as the emission factors for each material. 

“We believe that by empowering our community with options, visibility and transparency, we will create even more impactful behavioural change and a meaningful collective action towards circularity. This is a first step in our efforts to arm our community with a deeper understanding of their individual and collective impact. We hope it will serve as inspiration to make further changes towards a more sustainable tomorrow for our kids.” Sarah Garner, Founder of Retykle

The climate crisis is upon us and it has never been more critical for the fashion industry to take accountability for its environmental impact. Earth Day reminds us that as one of the largest polluters to our planet, it is critical that fashion brands and retailers sit squarely in driving a sustainable future by adopting low carbon and climate-resilient business models. Sustainability is the path forward and it is imperative that companies of all sizes take action and embrace the benefits of a green economy.

Circular solutions like Retykle are crucial to solve the sustainability challenge in the fashion industry. Ever committed to our environmental mission, we have incorporated eco-friendly practices throughout our business as well as keeping outgrown kids items in circulation and out of landfill. To date, Retykle has re-circulated over 400,000 items of clothing, saving 2,360,000 lb of carbon and 1814 million liters of water!

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