My Extra Special Aunty
We were lucky enough to sit down with Joanna Bowers, to talk to her about her book called "My Extra Special Aunty". She collaborated with Guhit Kulay a collective of Filipino migrant domestic worker artists. Told from a child's perspective, My Extra-Special Aunty is a celebration of the migrant domestic workers that many Hong Kong families have at their heart. A heart-warming tale written by award-winning filmmaker Joanna Bowers, and featuring stunning illustrations by domestic worker artists.

1. Can you share the inspiration behind the book "My Extra Special Aunty"?
In 2017, I made a documentary about Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) in Hong Kong called "The Helper" that was released in cinemas in Hong Kong and went on to have a three month sold out run before going on to international distribution. The film’s impact campaign “Thanks A Million” generated thousands of public gestures of thanks from employers to the women that work as migrant domestic workers with their families, and I was really proud of the positive conversations that came from this.
I was so inspired by the warm reception of "The Helper", and how it has been able to shift perception about MDW Aunties. It talked about different aspects of Aunties people haven't known before. Many in Hong Kong (HK) weren't expecting to see an Aunty who climbed mountains on her day off, or sang on a big stage. They were surprised that Aunties could do all those things.
That gave me an idea. I was thinking maybe this could be something to explore and delve into. I then got to know a Filipino artists collective called Guhit Kulay at one of my film screenings. I saw their art exhibition and was amazed! I had to admit even I didn't imagine there could be a group of such talented artists working as MDW Aunties in HK.
As much as "The Helper" was a great collaboration that changed people's perception on how they saw Aunties, it wasn’t suitable for younger children. So I thought why don't Guhit Kulay and I do something together that will reach these children?
For about 3 months, we discussed how we were going to tell the story. We came up with different ideas. Eventually I wrote the story, and Noemi and Cristina did the illustrations for "My Extra-Special Aunty". It's the first book in HK that's illustrated by MDW Aunties. What an incredible achievement for the MDW community in HK!
I couldn't have done all this and cared for Jemima without our extra-special Aunty Melodina who has been doing the wonderful job of taking care of us for the past 6 years. She is extra-special in so many different ways. She really inspired me to want to tell a story about her. "My Extra-Special Aunty" is her story and that of the many 340,000 MDW Aunties who leave their families behind to care for our families in HK.
2. What do you hope kids and families in Hong Kong (and beyond) will take away from reading this book?
2. What do you hope kids and families in Hong Kong (and beyond) will take away from reading this book?
Told from a child's perspective, “My Extra-Special Aunty” explores the tough questions and emotions that young children grapple with, encouraging families and aunties to develop healthy relationships. With characters and scenes that are unique to HK, this is a story of empathy, kindness and respect.
The book also celebrates cultural diversity and the immense talent that thrives within the MDW community. With representations from HK, the Philippines, Indonesia, and beyond, these artists bring their unique perspectives to create a visually stunning masterpiece.

3. Can you share about the charities that this book supports?
All proceeds from sales and events will support local charities, Enrich HK and PathFinders dedicated to supporting MDWs in HK. By purchasing this book, young readers have the opportunity to make a positive impact.
Enrich is an award-winning HK charity promoting the economic empowerment of migrant domestic workers. For more on Enrich, please visit www.enrichhk.org
PathFinders believes every child deserves a fair start in life. PathFinders is the only HK charity dedicated to supporting the unique vulnerabilities of children born to migrant mothers. Since 2008, PathFinders has supported over 11,000 mothers and children to find a path to a brighter future. For more on PathFinders, please visit www.pathfinde rs.org.hk.

4. What would you like to see emerge in the community as a result of the movement created through the documentary "The Helper" and "My Extra Special Aunty"?
I am especially passionate about telling international stories that feature strong women and unique perspectives. Through my work, I hope to inspire children and families to foster meaningful connections that transcend boundaries.
We are incredibly delighted to be invited to a number of schools across HK to talk about "My Extra-Special Aunty" and encourage students to reflect and express how they see their relationship with their aunties as a way to cultivate empathy.
We also have had the opportunity to read "My Extra-Special Aunty" to so many wonderful aunties of children at their schools. It was absolutely heartwarming to see these amazing women appreciate and enjoy listening to a book that captures and validates their dreams.
Many working moms are able to participate in the workforce because of the support from their extra-special aunties and many kids have shared how amazing their aunties have been. This means a lot to me!
For more information, visit www.myextraspecialaunty.com
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