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Retykle Blog

  • Shifting Mindset of Chinese Consumers on Sustainable Fashion
    October 28, 2021 Sarah Garner

    Shifting Mindset of Chinese Consumers on Sustainable Fashion

    Retykle Founder Sarah Garner was recently invited by Jumpstart Magazine to contribute a written piece for their online platform. For the piece, she explored the “Shifting Mindset of Chinese Consumers on Sustainable Fashion”. Having worked in the luxury fashion world for many years and now running the largest children’s luxury clothing resale platform, she's seen first hand how consumers in Asia and particularly China have evolved and in particular what drives them to think as more conscious consumers.
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  • Buy and sell designer kids clothes online with Retykle
    October 28, 2021 Sarah Gillespie

    Buy and sell designer kids clothes online with Retykle

    At Retykle, we understand better than anyone the stress (and let’s be honest, the expense!) of keeping our kids stylishly clothed in a city as expensive as Hong Kong. We also care about preserving the environment for the next generation of tykes, which is why we’re committed to reusing – or as we prefer, retykling – as much of our children’s wardrobes as possible. If you’re new to Retykle, here’s our guide to getting the best from our site!
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